Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Blogging at its best

HA HA HA, of Bogol, the source of all my inspiration, once remarked that blogging is all about (paraphrase) "some cunt linking to other cunts".

I agree with him. He agrees with himself. I don't think he is a cunt but he does link to other cunts, quite a bit.

I used to think it a bit futile to turn my blog into one of these thousands of other blogs which link the reader to items of potential interest. I used to think, if people should stumble upon my blog, surely they are the type of internetters who would also stumble across all kinds of nonsense?

Well, I just decided that I don't really care. I will tell you what I think is of potential interest, anyway, regardless of the likelihood that you might already have stumbled upon it. I am not going to link though, life is too short. Ha!

1. Scantily dressed female dancers celebrating the coup on the streets of Bangkok have been banned, "We have to maintain the seriousness of the coup," a military spokesman said.


2. Bill Clinton gave a 40 minute talk at the Royal Albert Hall. Mr and Mrs Campbell, from Preston, each paid £150 for a ticket. "It was inspirational and worth every penny," said Mr Campbell, 41. "It makes you aware of the plight of a lot of people who are suffering in the world. It pricks your social conscience - if you have one."

Money well spent, I'd say, for someone who had not been aware that there is a lot of suffering in the world.

3. Calista FLockhart (Ally McBeal), age 42, is engaged to Harrison Ford age 64.


4. A three-year-old British boy bought a pink Nissan Figaro for 9,000 British Pounds on eBay. His parents were shocked when they received a congratulatory message at their successful bid.

eBay rocks! It's a pretty cool looking vehicle, too.

5. Hong Kong fashion store Fashion Community Kitterik (F.C.K)* has taken off its shelves T-shirts printed with the words "I hate myself and I want to die" ($229), after receiving criticisms from the public.

So it is okay to sell a shirt that says "FxCK - all I need is U", but not okay to sell one which expresses my possible wish to top myself. It's time to fill in those immigration application forms, dear friends.

* It used to be called Kitterik Fashion Community (K.F.C) - but was sued by Kentucy Fried Chicken for trademark violation, hence the change.

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