Thursday, May 12, 2005

My prejudices, a bit of drama

Have booked tickets for trip to Seoul in June. I still haven't secured funding for it though, but oh well, it's kinda my own fault really. I think Peter will prob. give me money from the conversion fund for some if not all of the amount needed. That's okay. I've worked it out to around $10,000 in all, which is not bad for a six day trip, even if I'll end up having to fork it out myself.

Spent the last hour or so faffing around trying to decide on accommodation. The guesthouse looks not bad but only the "special room" has got air con. It's pretty basic really, toilets are shared, that kind of thing. It's been a very long time since I've been, er, "roughing it". You know. Five star resort hotels are more my kind of thing these days.


Last night's run was the same as the last one I did, which was a couple of weeks ago. That run up the Peak was still painful, and even though I started a few minutes earlier than everyone else, they all managed to pass me (apart from Doris, but I have no idea when she started). The part along Barker Road was really nice, again, quiet, foggy, cool and flat.

Then I ran down Coombe Road to Bowen, and it was a long steep downhill stretch. It was quite dark and around halfway down I saw three men ahead of me, walking, talking. They had a mainland accent and were not carrying anything. The one in the middle was wearing a vest and baggy shorts, the other two with shirts untucked and trousers. I was a bit apprehensive. I mean, what the hell were they doing on a night like that walking down a path like that? I deliberately slowed down for a while and they turned their heads to look at me.

I started to panic mildly since I had nothing on me apart from the bloody locker key so if they were muggers I would have nothing to give, so they'll probably have to kill me. And if they should attack me I had nothing to defend myself with. It was not good. So I decided what the fuck and just sprinted and past them as my heart was going 160 per minute.

It was quite scary. I hope I won't find myself in that kind of situation again. Must try harder to get there early next time and run with Mila.

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