Monday, December 11, 2006

To do list

Last year one of my new year's resolution was to go to more seminars. And how many did I actually make it to? Er, one, I think. A bloody disgrace. I do slag off my university quite a lot but there are actually lots of really interesting seminars on the go all the time. If I would only drag my ass out there I might actually learn something.

The list also included "drink less". Well, say no more.

Making new year resolutions that you can't keep is a bit like refusing to throw away clothes that you don't wear no more. It's STUPID.

And depressing, just thinking about it. So let's look on the bright side.

Well one thing I look forward to, is re-starting my weekly theology seminar in 2007.

I also look forward to working harder, which, if all goes according to plan, would be an unintended consequence of spending less time surfing the net (yes I am going to ration myself).

Like J, I think I should eat less meat. I want to eat less rice and noodles and pasta as well. Instead, I'd eat more bread. Well I'd need to if my addiction to bread making is not cured anytime soon.

The fridge is getting filled up with all my various starters. I got one jar of yeast starter that has been on the go for a few weeks, a sour dough starter, and two other earlier bits of sourdough one in the drawer and one in the freezer. Plus another Zwieback dough, its fermentation kept under control in the cold, aching to be baked.

Perhaps this is God's way of making me forgo drinking cold lager at home.

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