Friday, July 28, 2006

I've got ten days

Someone told me today it is 38 degrees celsius in the UK now.



The weather's been pretty awful here in Hongkers. A couple of very hot and stuffy and disgustingly polluted days, followed by thunderstorms, and now, rain.
Depressing, drizzling, neither here nor there kind of rain. If you walk around in your flip flops in this kind of rain, dirt gets kicked up and they stick to you calves and looking from behind looks as if you had diahrrea whilst standing up.

It's always handy to blame it on the weather, or a heavy period, if you have periods, for low productivity.

I've only got a week and three days until we leave for the UK and I've got stacks to do but in typical world class procrastinator fashion, I have been doing as little as possible. I've started drafting the outline for two papers, and reading up on the literature. I've got all the data and the theories and the conclusions are all in my head. But it's impossible to knock up anything half decent in the remaining ten days.

Another thing I have to get done before I go is the book. I just need to update the reference really, but somehow I just could not muster the enthusiasm to even open the goddam file. In my schema of things that project is already "soiled". I'll leave it till the 5th, I think.

And yes, I have a heavy period. It's strange. I thought this is the kind of thing only young girls get.

Met my friend C for lunch yesterday. She just had her 4th baby. Man does she look HUGE. She has been big before but this time really is the biggest I have ever seen her. She still looks very pregnant. She used to be my size.

Over sandwiches and coffees we talked about tummy tucks and liposuction. We wondered if it is possible for one to get these procedures done without her husband ever finding out. We speculated on the actual amount of pain that follows the operations. We talked about transferring fat from inconvenient parts of the body to the boobs. We talked about seeing a nutritionist. She told me success stories that she's heard.

She is on leave till October, and she has two domestic helpers at home. Oh, and two dogs.

Still, "manpower is very tight", she sighed, as she rubbed her tummy.

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